105 Life Is Short Quotes To Celebrate The One Life We Have
I think that you are going to like and be inspired by the following wonderful collection of ‘life is short’ quotes.
There is no doubt that a lot of people came across the famous saying: “Life is too short”. Either it is heard or read on social media platforms, it is one of the best description of this life. I think that many people will agree with me if I say that days, months and even years go quickly, and that we are always running out of time.
In this post, I liked to share with you some inspirational quotes that will make us remember that life is really too short and that we have to spend every minute of our precious time in doing the things that bring us true happiness
Let me ask you a question: do you have some interesting goals that you want to realize? Does procrastination obstruct you from taking actions? Perhaps the below quotes will give you more inspiration and motivation to be committed to achieve your goals as soon as possible.
I really hope that these beautiful ‘life is short’ quotes will encourage you to appreciate time and never waste it on anything that makes you stressed and anxious. Besides, I believe that these quotes will remind you that life is short to
Life is short quotes celebrating the only life we have

1. “Embrace your uniqueness. Time is much too short to be living someone else’s life.” – kobi Yamada
2. “Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.” – Phillips Brooks
3. “Life is too short to spend in negativity. So I have made a conscious effort to not be where I don’t want to be.” – Hugh Dillon
4. “I believe that life is short, and there is too much time wasted bearing grudges, and I like to move on.” – Sam Taylor-Johnson
5. “Enjoy every moment you have. Because in life, there are no rewinds, only flashbacks.” – Anmol Andore
6. “Yes, life is short, the roads are very difficult, but our love for life is greater than all these negativities!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan
7. “Begin doing what you want to do now. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand, and melting like a snowflake.” – Marie Ray
8. “Life is too short as we all know it to be. So why dare to spend it trying to live up to other people’s worldly expectations of you?” ― Edmond Mbiaka
9. “No regrets … just lessons. And no worries … just acceptance. No expectations … just gratitude. Life is too short.” ― Jesse Joseph
10. “Live honestly to a higher note. Life is too short. So, do the best you can and live your life to a higher note.” – Kimora Lee Simmons
Life is short quotes to help you be grateful for the beauty in everything around you

11. “Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.” – Unknown
12. “So have adventures. Go exploring. Drive around at midnight. Feel the wind running through your hair. Life is so short, my darling. And there’s no day like today.” ― Morgan Matson
13. “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
14. “Live every day as if it were going to be your last; for one day you’re sure to be right.”– Harry Morant
15. “Waste your money and you’re only out of money, but waste your time and you’ve lost a part of your life.” – Michael Leboeuf
16. “Life is short. You’ve got to live your dreams.” – Tiffany Darwish
17. “Life is too short to worry about anything. You had better enjoy it because the next day promises nothing.” – Eric Davis
18. “The Span of Life is too short to be trifled away in unconcerning and unprofitable Matters.” ― Mary Astell
19. “Life is too short to cry for anything so smile and do what makes you happy with morals.” – Abdel Rahman Sabry
20. “Living my best life consists of inner peace, happiness, laughter, creating memorable memories with my family, genuine friendships, good health, and being my authentic self. My life is priceless!” ― Stephanie Lahart
Life is short quotes to help you see the beauty in today and embrace all it has to offer

21. “Life is too short to waste a single second with anyone who doesn’t appreciate and value you.” – Sarah Dessen
22. “Forgive, forget. Bear with the faults of others as you would have them bear with yours. Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.” – Phillip Brooks
23. “Love who you want to love. Life is short. Nobody’s going to hate you for it.” – Shane Dawson
24. “As you grow older, you’ll find the only things you regret are the things you didn’t do.”– Zachary Scott
25. “Life is a first impression. You get one shot at it. Make it everlasting.” ― J.R. Rim
26. “Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise and forget. Remember ‘Life is too short to be little” – Dale Carnegie
27. “Life is too short to harbor any hostilities towards anybody.” ― Peabo Bryson
28. “Seeing pictures of other places around the world makes me feel more important. Reminds me, even though life is short, there’s so much to do.” ― Travis Jeremiah Dahnke
29. “Life is short, so there is no reason why you shouldn’t live it to the fullest expression of yourself.” – Coy Bowles
30. “You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.” —Walter Hagen
Life is short quotes to help you live a fulfilling life

31. “If you want something, don’t wish for it. Life is too short to wait.” – Stephen Hines
32. “Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise and forget. Remember ‘Life is too short to be little’” – Dale Carnegie
33. “Life is too precious and short to dare to waste it on mediocre dreams.” ― Edmond Mbiaka
34. “If there’s even a slight chance at getting something that will make you happy, risk it. Life’s too short and happiness is too rare.” – A.R. Lucas
35. “Life is too short to do the things you don’t love doing.”― Bruce Dickinson
36. “Some people would not waste any part of today if they knew that by this time tomorrow they will be dead.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
37. “Live as you will wish to have lived when you are dying.” – Christian Gellert
38. “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. But if you do, make new ones. Life is too short to make the wrong choice twice.” ― Joyce Rachelle
39. “Tomorrow is promised to no one. Prioritize today accordingly.” ― Gina Greenlee
40. “Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.” – Stephen Vincent Benét
Life is short quotes to make you appreciate every moment of your existence

41. “Life is short. Time is fast. No replay. No rewind. So enjoy every moment as it comes.” — Angie Hills
42. “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.”— James Dean
43. “Life is short, and there’s something to be said for being true to yourself.” — Anohni
44. “Life is too short to worry about anything. You had better enjoy it because the next day promises nothing.” — Eric Davis.
45. “Life is too short for unreality and you don’t owe anybody anything – especially your time, energy, and attention.”― Oli Anderson
46. “With life as short as a half-taken breath, don’t plant anything but love” ― Rumi
47. “Life is too short for long-term grudges.” — Elon Musk
48. “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. But if you do, make new ones. Life is too short to make the wrong choice twice.” – Joyce Rachelle
49. “Life is too short to have anything but delusional notions about yourself.”― Gene Simmon
50. “Life is short, and every moment is precious.” — Gad Saad
Inspirational quotes to help you live life on your own terms

51. “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller
52. “Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness.” – Jean de La Bruyère
53. “Enjoy life while you can. It can be taken in a heartbeat.” ― Jasmin Morin
54. “Life is so transient and ephemeral; we will not be here after a breath. So think better, think deeply, think with kindness, and write it with love so that it may live a little longer.” ― Debasish Mridha
55. “Life is too short, time is too precious, and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been.” – Hilary Clinton
56. “At some point, your candle will go out, so make use of the light.” ― Shaun Hick
57. “All things that live, die. This is why you must find joy in the living, while the time is yours, and not fear the end. To deny this is to deny life. To fear this… is to fear life.” ― Joe Kelly
58. “Life is short, so I’m knowing exactly where I’m putting my time. I don’t want to do things that I don’t have to do.” – Mira Nair
59. “I think life is far too short to concentrate on your past. I rather look into the future.” – Lou Reed
60. “We only have one life and one body to care of, and we better do it right. You never know what tomorrow may bring and so we better live this life the best we can and be grateful for everything we have.” – Novak Djokovic
Life is short quotes that will change your perspective

61. “Enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think.” – Chinese Proverb
62. “Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly. love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that makes you smile.” – Mark Twain
63. “Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of.” – Charles Richards
64. “The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.” – Eminem
65. “Short as life is, we make it still shorter by the careless waste of time.” – Victor Hugo
66. “Life is short, and it’s up to you to make it sweet.” – Sarah Louise Delany
67. “Life is a flash of lightning in the dark of night. It is a brief time of tremendous potential.” – B. Alan Wallace
68. “Life is too short, and the time we waste in yawning never can be regained.” – Stendhal
69. “Life is way too short to continue thinking you’re not worthy or good enough. Regardless of what others have told you, you are enough and are worthy of love and belonging.” – Kevin Ngo
70. “Life is short and if you’re looking for extension, you had best do well. Cause there’s good deeds and then there’s good intentions. They are as far apart as Heaven and Hell.” – Ben Harper
Life is short quotes that will encourage you savor every minute

71. “Life is too short to have enemies, all you should have is friends!” — Sathish Krishnamurthy
72. “Life is so short, transient, and beautiful that there is not enough time to get old.” ― Debasish Mridha
73. “Life is short. Write naked.” ― A.D. Posey
74. “Life is too short for souvenirs.” ― Gandhar Katre
75. “Life is short; love is longer.” ― Kamand Kojouri
76. “Life would not seem short if we valued time as much as we value money.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
77. “Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile.” — Audrey Hepburn
78. “Life is too short not to start something stupid.” ― Richie Norton
79. “Remember, life is too short to be spent dancing with idiots.” — Carew Paprit
80. “Life is short, and you have to have fun with it, you know?” — Fabio Lanzoni
Life is short quotes to treasure every moment in life

81. “Life is too short to be living somebody else’s dream.” ― Hugh Hefner
82. “Life is too short for grief. Or regret. Or bullshit.” ― Edward Abbey
83. “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.” ― Jim Rohn
84. “Life is short. You can’t afford to put off what God has put in your heart. You don’t have time to live with things holding you back.” ― Joel Osteen
85. “Life is too short to be wasted in finding answers. Enjoy the questions.” ― Paulo Coelho
86. “Life is too short to miss out on the beautiful things like a double cheeseburger.” ― Channing Tatum
87. “Focus And Focus And Focus…on your burning priorities. Say no to everything else. Life’s short. You only get one shot at great.” ― Robin Sharma
88. “In a fully functional organism, an emotion has a very short life span. It is like a momentary ripple or wave on the surface of your Being.” ― Eckhart Tolle
89. “Life’s too short. Start with Dessert!” ― Barbra Streisand
90. “Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.” ― Ernest Holmes
More life is short quotes and sayings

91. “Life is too short to hate anything. I am too busy to love and enjoy everything.” – Debasish Mridha
92. “Life is too short for unreality and you don’t owe anybody anything – especially your time, energy, and attention.” – Oli Anderson
93. “Everything living on earth is temporary.” – Sunday Adelaja
94. “Life goes by fast. Enjoy it. Calm down. It’s all funny.” – Joan Rivers
95. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West
96. “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” – Oscar Wilde
97. “A second is a step taken by the living towards death.” – Mokokoma Mokhonoana
98. “Loss comes in every moment. Second by second our lives are stolen from us. What is last will never come again.” – William Kent Krueger
99. “Time flies, whether you’re wasting it or not.” – Crystal Woods
100. “Life is too short to be sharing its precious moments with the crowd.” – Edmond Mbiaka
101. “Life is short. Stop worrying so much. Have fun. Be grateful. Be yourself. Don’t allow others to bring you down. Life is a one-time offer. Life to your fullest.” – Karen Salmansohn
102. “Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” – Wayne Dyer
103. “If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.” – Larry McMurtry
104. “Life is too short to be little. Man is never so manly as when he feels deeply, acts boldly, and expresses himself with frankness and with fervor.” – Benjamin Disraeli
105. Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Final Thoughts
What we can conclude from these inspirational quotes is that we have to express ourselves freely and reveal what we feel to help ourselves get through hard times because life is too short.
Another important thing is that we should only focus on what is positive in life, and enjoy life at its fullest because every minute will never come back again.
In this life we have to try to be as happier as we can, because we are getting old quickly and we have to make our lives more beautiful.
Life is very short and people should not give more importance to age as a number but they have to value the good things in life no matter how short is that life.
Life is short. So, we have to forgive others and ourselves first, and we should strive to give much love and kindness to this world as a remembrance of us in this life.
I really hope that you were happy and enjoyed while you were reading these beautiful ‘Life Is Too Short’ Quotes.